Obituary Form

First, please accept our condolences on your loss. At this most difficult time in your family’s life, our goal is to make submission of an obituary as easy as possible. If you have any questions, please send them to

If you have a pre-written obituary — perhaps prepared with your funeral home and/or in consultation with your family — please enter that below or send it directly to If you have not yet written an obituary, see "Information to Include," below, to help guide you.

You may send us a photo, in a jpg format at a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. If you are unsure what this means, you can take a photo of a photo print with your smart phone and send it to us. Many email programs compress photos as they're sent. If you have the option, select “actual" or "original" size. We will only use the head shot portion of the photo.

We do charge a fee to publish obituaries, based on length (on average, obituaries cost between $75 and $150). We do billing after the issue has gone to press; please provide us with an invoice address.

Please provide an email address for us to contact you with questions.

Our deadline for each week’s issue is Monday at 4 p.m. for publishing in that week’s edition, which is available from the Thursday of that week. It’s preferable if you can get us your information earlier than the deadline, however, to help us ensure we have space and can ask you questions ahead of time.

We print all obituaries in The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News and online at for the same cost.

Information to Include

The following questions will help you complete your own obituary, if you have not written one; or you can use them as a checklist to go over what you’ve written, to be sure you haven’t missed anything. If you need further inspiration, click here for a listing of obituaries that have been previously published.

  • Full name (including maiden name, where applicable) and age
  • Hometown of the deceased at time of death
  • Spouse’s name, if any, and whether he or she survives the deceased.
  • Date and year of death and place of death (examples: He died on March 4, 2020, at Noble Horizons OR He died on March 4, 2020, while on vacation in Rome, Italy).
  • Birth date and year, birth place, parents' names (including mother’s maiden name) and whether the parents survive the deceased and if so what town the parents now live in (example: She was the daughter of John and Marge (Peterson) Smith of Colebrook; OR she was the daughter of the late John and Marge (Peterson) Smith).
  • Any childhood information such as hometown, schools, special accomplishments.
  • Military service, if any.
  • Career highlights and adult life accomplishments, including hobbies and marriage information.
  • Surviving family members. Please do not put spouses in parentheses; please indicate whether someone is a husband, wife, significant other, spouse equivalent, life partner.
  • Family members who predeceased.
  • Service information, including place and date/time of service.
  • Recipient of memorial donations, if any.
  • Funeral home information (it is helpful to include the name of the funeral home so that friends can check with the funeral home for additional service information, and not call the bereaved family).

Please fill out the form below. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Obituary Form

Your Contact Information

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