Our Staff


James H. Clark, Publisher & CEO, jamesc@lakevillejournal.com

John Coston, Editor-in-Chief, johnc@lakevillejournal.com

Thomas Carley, Chief Operating Officer, tomc@lakevillejournal.com

Sandra Lang, Controller, accounting@lakevillejournal.com

In Appreciation….

William E. Little, Jr. Chairman Emeritus

Janet Manko, Publisher Emeritus

A. Whitney Ellsworth, Managing Partner, 1936-2011

Robert H. Estabrook, Editor & Publisher Emeritus, 1918-2011

The Lakeville Journal & The Millerton News Staff

Riley Klein, Managing Editor, The Lakeville Journal, rileyk@lakevillejournal.com

Patrick L. Sullivan, Senior Reporter, patricks@lakevillejournal.com

Natalia Zukerman, Engagement Editor, nataliaz@lakevillejournal.com

Nathan Miller, Editorial and Digital Content Coordinator, nathanm@lakevillejournal.com

Alec Linden, Reporter, alecl@lakevillejournal.com

Correspondents: Debra Aleksinas, Jennifer Almquist, Christine Bates, Norma Bosworth, Lans Christensen, Leila Hawken, Carol Kneeland, Matthew Kreta, Sava Marinkovic, Robin Roraback

Finance & Administration

Sandra L. Lang, Circulation Manager, circulation@lakevillejournal.com

Cornelia Haymann Snyder, Financial Assistant

Sally André, Development Associate, sallya@lakevillejournal.com

Adam Williams, Special Projects Coordinator

Advertising Sales

Roxanne Lee, Advertising Account Manager, roxannel@lakevillejournal.com; 860-435-9873 x501

Mary Wilbur, Advertising Account Manager, maryw@lakevillejournal.com; 860-435-9873 x502

Lyndee Stalter, Classified Line Advertising, lyndees@lakevillejournal.com; 860-435-9873

Michelle Eisenman, Legal Notices, legals@lakevillejournal.com

Composing Department

Caitlin Hanlon, Production Manager, caitlinh@lakevillejournal.com

Olivia Montoya, Graphic Designer


Geoffrey Olans

Adam Williams

Brian Murphy