Our Mission, Strategy, Impact

Our highest goal is to remain relevant and interesting to our readers—and we work hard at it.
—Editorial in The Lakeville Journal, March 20, 2024

Our Mission

The mission of The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News is to help readers in our communities make more informed decisions about everything from schools, real estate, and health care, to what event to attend or hike to take this weekend. We foster the free flow of news, information, opinion, and ideas accurately and fairly—whether the subject is local government and regional issues; school and sports news; or the Tri-Corner region’s wide range of arts and recreational activities.

We serve communities in Northwest Connecticut and Eastern Dutchess County, including North Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Kent, Norfolk, Lakeville, Litchfield, Salisbury, Sharon, Amenia, Ancram, Copake, Dover, Millerton, North East, Pine Plains, Rhinebeck, Red Hook, Millbrook, Poughkeepsie, Wassaic and Sheffield.

And we want to deliver our journalism in whatever form works best for our readers—in print, online, in our replica edition, and in weekly e-newsletters that deliver both the news and additional coverage of cultural, entertainment, and recreational events directly to readers’ inboxes.

Our Strategy

We will achieve greater impact and strengthen both our news products and our financial standing as an independent, non-profit, and locally-owned news source with:

  1. Improved products and ways of producing and distributing our news for our dual audience of year-round and part-time residents.
  2. More communication with and involvement in the many communities we serve in the Tri-Corner Region of Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts.
  3. Additional investment in talented journalists and staff…and working with local schools and colleges to train, nurture, and retain the next generation of area journalists.
  4. Sustainable support from our readers, advertisers, and donors, all of whom value—indeed, rely on—the high-quality, authoritative, local news and information we provide.

Our Impact

With a combined 219 years of publication, The Lakeville Journal (1897) and The Millerton News (1932) have long been the leading sources of news and information for more than 20 communities in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

On our websites, all news and information is open and available to all our readers—those who’ve subscribed to our print editions for years, and those who’ve just discovered us on their laptops and phones.

Our news is produced by, for, and about our neighbors, with the focus on the issues and opportunities that impact life in the Tri-State region.

Recently that’s included:

  1. Coverage of the environmental threat posed by an aggressive invasive strain of Hydrilla found in local lakes.
  2. A focus on Sharon Hospital’s attempt to close the labor and delivery unit.
  3. News about our schools, everything from mascot changes to building plans and student life, including sports and graduations.
  4. Comprehensive coverage of local events and all the cultural and natural resources that make life in the Tri-State Region so special.
  5. Cultivation of aspiring young journalists through our robust intern program.