Nutrition, exercise and telecons
Johnny Carlson from Blackberry River Cafe in North Canaan is doing chef school projects with his niece and nephew and a friend during the quarantine. On a recent day his lesson was about nutritious breakfasts.
Photo by Janet Carlson

Nutrition, exercise and telecons

CORNWALL — We get a bit more sleep now — can’t say we are sorry about that!

We are up at 8 a.m., breakfast is at 8:30, then we are doing Virtual School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.

My two children, Ellie and Harry, are joined by their good friend Shanea Togninalli of Sharon, who is staying with us for now. The children are all in ninth grade at Housatonic Valley Regional High School and are following their school A-H subject blocks. They do a block switch every half hour.

Telecons are scheduled with teachers and schoolwork is turned in daily.  Snack is at 11 a.m.  and lunch is at 1 p.m. Exercise is in the afternoon and includes tennis, running, walking, yoga and weightlifting.  Reading time is scheduled, as is free time. All this scheduling allows my husband and I to get our work done as well!

To add an element of fun, we are doing chef-led cooking classes! Today the kids did Chef School from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The lesson was on healthy breakfasts. They discussed nutrition and made yogurt/granola parfaits and three different kinds of smoothies, with vegetables and fruit.

Chef Johnny Carlson is the CIA-trained head chef at the Blackberry River Cafe in North Canaan, on a mandatory break, so we will be running Chef School until he goes back to work. Classes will rotate around which dish they are learning. Safe kitchen techniques will also be taught.

Stay healthy!


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LJMN Media, publisher of The Lakeville Journal (first published in 1897) and The Millerton News (first published in 1932), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit news organization.

We seek to help readers make more informed decisions through comprehensive news coverage of communities in Northwest Connecticut and Eastern Dutchess County in New York.

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