Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago — August 1923

LIME ROCK — Little Millard Tellerday fell on some broken glass and cut his face quite badly.


Michael Dunn of Lime Rock has had a phone installed in his house.


Mr. Belter lost three stacks of oats by fire one day last week.


50 years ago — August 1973

Canaan veterinarian Dr. Vincent Peppe recently served as a consultant for an article on the cost of keeping a pet. The article appeared in the National Enquirer this week. Dr. Peppe has developed a table to help dog owners determine how many calories their pets need. His theory is designed to allow pet owners to feed pets well as inexpensively as possible.


Joan LaMothe, owner and operator of Rustling Winds Stables on Canaan Mountain, lost a valuable registered quarter horse to theft last week. The animal was stolen from Miss LaMothe while at an auction at the Eastern States Fair Grounds in Springfield, Mass.


25 years ago — August 1998

Tests conducted Aug. 6 on the spring water that flows into the kettle beside Town Hall in Salisbury tested positive for a minor form of bacteria. A sign is now up advising people that the water is town water and not spring water.


Cornwall Fire and Ambulance rescued an unidentified fisherman who slipped and fell in the Housatonic River Monday evening and needed medical attention. The angler slipped on a rock and injured his knee and was unable to cross the flowing waters.


Are you a “Geer baby”? If so, Geer Nursing and Rehabilitation Center wants to hear from you. With the demolition of the old Robert C. Geer Memorial Hospital — commonly known as “Old Geer” — looming to make way for Geer Village, a housing complex for the elderly, an aggressive effort is being made to put together a concise history of the area’s first community hospital. That includes every baby born there from 1931 to 1948, the years it operated as a hospital.


These items were taken from The Lakeville Journal archives at Salisbury’s Scoville Memorial Library, keeping the original wording intact as possible.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of The Lakeville Journal and The Journal does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

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LJMN Media, publisher of The Lakeville Journal (first published in 1897) and The Millerton News (first published in 1932), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit news organization.

We seek to help readers make more informed decisions through comprehensive news coverage of communities in Northwest Connecticut and Eastern Dutchess County in New York.

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North Canaan Town Hall

Photo by Riley Klein

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Dan Howe’s time machine
Dan Howe at the Kearcher-Monsell Gallery at Housatonic Valley Regional High School.
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