Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago —
November 1923

LIME ROCK — John Eggleston is the new milk peddler in town.


Ponds and brooks took on a thin coating of ice on Monday night for the first time this season. The sudden cold snap of Monday morning reminded us that winter is just around the corner.


While removing an electric light globe from the gas pump at Martin’s Garage on Monday morning, George Roebuck had the misfortune to fall from the ladder striking his head on the cement walk. He was unconscious for about an hour and a half but at present appears to be suffering no bad results from his fall.


Mr. Earle W. Day and others report having seen a flock of about a dozen evening grosbeaks about the village. These birds are seldom seen east of the Mississippi River.


A.S. Martin is having his gasoline pumps moved back to a point near the sidewalk and will construct a cement roadway between the sidewalk and what is now the stone curbing. This will make it much more convenient for automobilists to park their cars when filling the gas tanks.

50 years ago —

 November 1973

Sharon’s Post Office opened for business Monday morning in new quarters at the south end of the Sharon Shopping Center. Although not all details of the move have been completed, Postmaster George Lamb expressed pleasure at the thought of some 750 square feet of additional space in the new structure. It will help with the Christmas rush and should enable the Post Office to do a better job, he said.


Home heating oil prices, on the rise in the tri-state area, now range from 23.6 cents to 30.2 cents per gallon, according to a Lakeville Journal survey taken Tuesday afternoon. 


Cornwall’s dump master has announced that he will be happy to cut and burn wood to keep warm and save on heating fuel, if someone will donate a chunk stove to the town dump.


It has been reported that since the rejection of its first female candidate for membership, the Kent Fire Department has received several applications from prospective firewomen.

25 years ago —

November 1998

Although the fire chief is new, the last name is not. Donald Reid has stepped down as commander of the Lakeville Hose Company and his brother, Darin Reid, has assumed control. The change took place during the fire company’s annual elections Nov. 2. After serving as a line officer for 20 years and chief for the past 10, Donnie Reid decided to pass the torch. However, he is not going anywhere — he still drives the truck to fire scenes.


These items were taken from The Lakeville Journal archives at Salisbury’s Scoville Memorial Library, keeping the original wording intact as possible.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of The Lakeville Journal and The Journal does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

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