Turning Back The Pages

 100 years ago — Sept. 1920

Saturday was registration day and the women to the number of about 200 put in an appearance before the board and were made voters. About 44 men were made voters. For the first time in the history of the state the ladies will be able to vote for town officers in the coming town meeting.


A general coal shortage of more than 50 percent in the cities, and about 75 percent in the smaller towns, is the estimate of the Connecticut Chamber of Commerce based on the reports so far received from local chambers of commerce and coal dealers throughout the state.

LIME ROCK — Miss Gwendolyn Athoe expects to leave on Saturday for Storrs Agricultural College where she has accepted a position.

Jack Frost made his first call in Lime Rock Sunday night.

ORE HILL — James Moore, with his aunt and uncle and their family, went over the Mohawk trail on Sunday.


50 years ago — Sept.1970

“The Country Garden,” the popular book on gardening written by Lakeville Journal columnist Josephine Nuese, will receive the Award of Merit given annually by the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut. 

SHARON — Mrs. Herbert Best of Bownes Road just returned from several days visit with Mrs. Paul Bohannon at her home in New Hampshire. Mrs. Bohannon, as Eunice Blake, was Mrs. Best’s editor with four different publishers.


Dairy farmer Albert Giulian of Sunset Hill Farm in Canaan has been named 1970 Dairyman of the Year and was honored Sept. 18 at a recognition banquet during the Eastern States Exposition and at the Governors’ luncheon the following day. Mr. Giulian, a former building contractor, produces more than half a million pounds of milk for every worker on the his farm, which includes 450 acres and 145 cows.


25 years ago — Sept. 1995

Rain fell Sunday and nobody complained. At the drug store, on the steps of churches, outside the market, people smiled under their umbrellas, relishing the gentle wetness that would bring some relief from the drought. 


It’s hard to lose any soccer game but to be disqualified for earning three yellow cards is a particularly bitter pill to swallow. Such was the case with the Housatonic Mountaineers boys’ soccer team. The penalties were levied against Housy for swearing, delaying the game and a side tackle from behind.

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Thru hikers linked by life on the Appalachian Trail

Riley Moriarty


Of thousands who attempt to walk the entire length of the Appalachian Trail, only one in four make it.

The AT, completed in 1937, runs over roughly 2,200 miles, from Springer Mountain in Georgia’s Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest to Mount Katahdin in Baxter State Park of Maine.

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17th Annual New England Clambake: a community feast for a cause

The clambake returns to SWSA's Satre Hill July 27 to support the Jane Lloyd Fund.


The 17th Annual Traditional New England Clambake, sponsored by NBT Bank and benefiting the Jane Lloyd Fund, is set for Saturday, July 27, transforming the Salisbury Winter Sports Association’s Satre Hill into a cornucopia of mouthwatering food, live music, and community spirit.

The Jane Lloyd Fund, now in its 19th year, is administered by the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation and helps families battling cancer with day-to-day living expenses. Tanya Tedder, who serves on the fund’s small advisory board, was instrumental in the forming of the organization. After Jane Lloyd passed away in 2005 after an eight-year battle with cancer, the family asked Tedder to help start the foundation. “I was struggling myself with some loss,” said Tedder. “You know, you get in that spot, and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Someone once said to me, ‘Grief is just love with no place to go.’ I was absolutely thrilled to be asked and thrilled to jump into a mission that was so meaningful for the community.”

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Getting to know our green neighbors

Cover of "The Light Eaters" by Zoe Schlanger.


This installment of The Ungardener was to be about soil health but I will save that topic as I am compelled to tell you about a book I finished exactly three minutes before writing this sentence. It is called “The Light Eaters.” Written by Zoe Schlanger, a journalist by background, the book relays both the cutting edge of plant science and the outdated norms that surround this science. I promise that, in reading this book, you will be fascinated by what scientists are discovering about plants which extends far beyond the notions of plant communication and commerce — the wood wide web — that soaked into our consciousnesses several years ago. You might even find, as I did, some evidence for the empathetic, heart-expanding sentiment one feels in nature.

A staff writer for the Atlantic who left her full-time job to write this book, Schlanger has travelled around the world to bring us stories from scientists and researchers that evidence sophisticated plant behavior. These findings suggest a kind of plant ‘agency’ and perhaps even a consciousness; controversial notions that some in the scientific community have not been willing or able to distill into the prevailing human-centric conceptions of intelligence.

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