DEA Rx Takeback
Photo By John Coston

DEA Rx Takeback

Chelsea Kapitancek of the McCall Center for Behavioral Health in Torrington, left, Trooper Roy Dungan of Troop B, and Marissa Kent of the Housatonic Youth Services Bureau were on hand Saturday,  Oct. 29 at Troop B  as part of a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) program promoting safe disposal of unwanted prescription drugs.

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Measles Again! But Why?

A case of measles with spots appearing on the face.


The measles vaccine was licensed in 1963. It is a live attenuated virus vaccine that provides lifelong protection with few side effects. It does not cause autism. The virus is extraordinarily contagious. The measles vaccine is usually given with mumps and rubella vaccines, and often with the chicken pox vaccine. With earlier vaccines for whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria, and in the 1950’s, polio, life for children and parents became less fearful.

But let’s go back to 1963, when every child in the United States and across the world got measles. It caused them true misery. There were about 600,000 cases in children in 1963.

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Letters to the Editor - 4-25-24

Applauding government responsiveness to citizen concernsThis is a shout-out to our local legislators, Representative Maria Horn and Stephen Harding. The Housatonic Herbicide Working Group has been expressing concerns about the use of certain herbicides that can reach nearby waterways, wetlands, and aquifers to control vegetation along the Housatonic Railroad’s right-of-way for several years now.

The Lakeville Journal has also covered this topic, most recently in an article by Riley Klein.

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Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago — April 1924

Chet Thurston has sold his Durant Six to Torrington parties. He says he just naturally has to get some kind of a car but he hasn’t made up his mind whether he will purchase a Buick, Jewett, Hudson, Chevrolet, Dodge, Olds, Oakland, Nash, Dort, Studebaker, Cadillac or Rolls Royce.

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