Letters to the Editor May 19

Don’t wear fur, real or not

Using animal fur in clothing industries is pretty popular. Some coats are designed the way they are to broadcast the beautiful fur that the owner is wearing, while others are hidden, like lining a boot or mitten.

Either way, the real question is, should a person wear fur at all? Or is the fake option a great alternative to the real thing?

Wearing fur at all, whether it be fake or real, is wrong. Even though animals are not being killed in the process of making these synthetic furs, it still promotes the idea that wearing fur is fashionable and OK. If a person is wearing a beautiful leopard fur coat or a fake one made to look like Bengal tiger, other people will see it. This may make them want to wear it, too.

Some people, especially rich or famous people, think that wearing fur produces a better status for them. It makes them feel important and fancy, which is what many celebrities want.

Plus, the idea of fake fur is not as glamorous or desirable as real fur is. The consumers of fake fur obviously like the look of fur, and maybe will like the real fur better, causing them to want real fur clothing. The idea of fake fur is considered tacky to some people today, so buying real fur will be preferred. Fake fur is trying to look like real fur, so it is still promoting the idea of killing animals for clothing.

Slaughtering an animal simply to provide a luxury is unethical and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Taylor Dowd

Eighth Grade

Salisbury Central School



The failure of good intentions

Al Ginouves’ declaration of pride in being a liberal, social progressive would be commendable but for many historical facts that liberal/progressives do not want students and the general public to know. Those facts are why history is corrupted and marginalized in schools across the nation.

Progressive is such a nice word. That is why socialists and communists in the 19th century adopted it as their “alias” to con people. Lenin dubbed the gullible as “useful idiots” during the 20th century.

Progressivism represents the path to socialism and ultimately communism by using incremental gains to achieve the goal instead of violent revolution. It’s like boiling a frog by putting it in a pot of cold water and turning up the heat bit-by-bit so the frog is gradually immobilized and unable to save itself in the end.

Progressivism is the history of racist, fascist President Woodrow Wilson, unions discriminating against minorities, union thuggery terrorizing independent workers at home and in the workplace by threatening, beating and on occasion killing them. We see the same behavior today with Service Employees International Union, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now and our president inciting these groups to terrorize families of American International Group employees in their homes.

Progressivism is the development of euthanasia for the old, infirm and otherwise “undesirable” people — Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s favorite targets for abortion being African-Americans.

Under the guise of good intentions, progressivism promotes expansion of corrupt and incompetent government programs to enslave the population through confiscation of personal property and money, dependency and the mantra of the collective “general welfare” so that eventually every aspect of our lives will be controlled by dictatorial bureaucrats.

It knows no law but whatever works at any given moment in time — the end justifies the means. It has no respect for the value or rights of individuals, which is amusing in light of the educational system’s obsession for building supposed self-esteem in our children while teaching them contempt for their parents, ancestors, government, religion, history and culture. How convoluted is that?

Progressivism is President Obama’s merry band of buddies, the communists George Soros, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Bill Ayers, et al.

Fascistic socialism, communism and progressivism are responsible for more imprisonment, torture, deaths by starvation and murderous slaughter than any other ideologies or religions in history.

Bill Ayers has publicly stated millions of Americans will need to be re-educated in camps, and of those, 25 million will need to be executed because they cannot be re-educated. No doubt I will be on that execution list, and I am proud of it.

For those interested in learning more about this subject, begin by reading former communist David Horowitz’s autobiography, “Radical Son, Mark Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny,” F.A. Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom,” Daniel Hannan’s “The New Road to Serfdom” and “The Black Book of Communism,” by Harvard College.

Kathy Lauretano




If you have good health, then congratulations!
For as we age we have medical tribulations.
The problems are many — too many to state,
But here are a few to which you may relate.
I’d rather be called an “Indian giver”
Than have a case of cirrhosis of the liver.
Or read a book about Horatio Alger
Than have to endure the pain of neuralgia.
Hair loss, they say, can be cured by Rogaine,
But nothing can cure a headache (migraine).
One thing more unpleasant than erectile dysfunction
Would be to watch reruns of “Petticoat Junction.”
I’d rather listen to rap music all day
Than have an asthma attack or fever from hay.
And if you have a bad pain in the back,
It’s better than having a heart attack.
Long ago I had a case of appendicitis.
It was more fun than my knee arthritis.
The body’s frailties make quite a list.
I’ve noted a few, but there are many I’ve missed.
So, given a choice of being poor or wealthy,
I think we’d all pass — we’d rather be healthy.

Corporal Doggerel (Carl Williams)



May is Military Appreciation Month

Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM). For more than 230 years men and women have taken an oath to defend the Constitution and guarantee our freedom. When they take that oath, not only are they making a commitment and perhaps the ultimate sacrifice, but their families are making a commitment and sacrifice.

The very special days of appreciation and thanks in the month of May are: Loyalty Day, May 1; Military Spouse Appreciation Day, May 6; VE Day, May 8; Armed Forces Day, May 21; and Memorial Day, May 30. Although some of these have passed, we can still take a moment and say thanks or show our gratitude.

The American Legion Auxiliary Post 178 encourages you to fly the flag; send care packages to a soldier through USOCARES or through your local VFW post or American Legion post; shake the hand of someone in uniform; hire a veteran; visit a veteran; ask your elected officials at all levels to recognize the military; correspond with the troops.

Marie Barnum


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