Letters to the Editor - 4-11-24

The attacks are starting early

Area Dems are starting early to attack Congressional candidate George Logan. An intelligent, articulate and genuinely nice man, Logan served two terms in the Connecticut Senate and is now running for the 5 th District Congressional seat currently held by Jahana Hayes.

In 2000, Ms. Hayes narrowly defeated Mr. Logan despite outspending him by a margin of 3 to 1.

In 2022, Dems attacked Logan by deliberately misrepresenting his position on abortion. This year, they claim (3/21/24 letter) that his candidacy should be ignored because one of his donors, Blackstone, invests in houses and thus harms affordable housing efforts.

Blackstone is the world’s largest alternative asset manager and has invested in hundreds, if not thousands, of industries over the years.

Fifth District voters might be interested to know that Blackstone has a charitable foundation who’s mission is “to foster economic opportunity and career mobility for historically underrepresented groups.” One of its arms is dedicated to helping minority students and students at community colleges develop career paths. Thus it is scarcely surprising that Blackstone would support Logan, whose parents immigrated from Guatemala.

Nineteen donors to Ms. Hayes 2022 campaign gave more than Blackstone gave to Logan. And so far this year, Ms. Hayes has raised over $1 million, compared to $425,000 for Logan. Are we to assume that no one would find anything to criticize among the hundreds of major donors to her campaign? Such as the $314,000 spent on her campaign by the NEA Advocacy Fund, a Super PAC?

As for Ms. Hayes’ efforts in supposedly securing $9 million in affordable housing funds for the 5th District, $9 million was the total of all appropriations for projects in the 5th, only two of which (totaling $410,000) were for affordable housing. This money was part of the $1.2 trillion spending bill recently passed by Congress. Our Committee is a strong supporter of affordable housing and we are grateful for Ms. Hayes help in getting some federal funding for this effort, even if it was not the $9 million touted in the recent letter.

Tom Morrison

Chair, Salisbury Republican Town Committee


Need for a second trooper in Kent

Over fifty years ago, I served the town of Kent as the Resident State Trooper from July 1, 1969, to March 1, 1975. The town has grown considerably and we still have one Resident Trooper. It is time to go from the 20th to the 21st century.

On or about Dec. 1, 2023, I submitted a request by letter to the Kent Board of Selectmen that a 2nd Resident Trooper be added to the 2024-2025 budget.

This letter was read at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Dec. 4, 2023, by First Selectman Martin Lindenmayer. This letter contained my reasoning that a 2nd Resident Trooper would provide the town with seven day coverage especially on weekends to combat the speeding on our town roads, Route 7, Route 341 and South Kent Road. The Trooper would be a First Responder, conduct criminal investigations and become familiar with the town that is very important.

I also provided information to the Board of Selectmen that Kent’s Town Attorney, Randall DiBella’s suggestion that he made in September, 2023. “That the Board of Selectman may vote to have an Informational meeting that is simply a request for a gathering of residents. However, this meeting would not be binding.

The Board of Selectmen had a meeting on March 6, 2024, that I was unable to attend. I reviewed a video of that meeting and there was no discussion or vote on my request for a 2nd Resident Trooper or having an Informational meeting, however, they did discuss other alternatives such as cameras. Residents and Taxpayers were not given the opportunity to share their views on both issues.

In regards to cameras, I have many questions to ask and here are a few: 1.The identity of the person driving the vehicle? 2. Where would the cameras be located and how many? 3. Who would do the investigation on each and every speeding violation as to the operator of the vehicle, especially motorcycles riders who frequently pass my residence in a group 60 to 70 miles per hour? 4. Would it be our Resident Trooper who has many other duties? Another reason for a 2nd Resident Trooper.

Andrew C. Ocif


Judicial training in abuse cases

Upon reading the article about domestic abuse in The Lakeville Journal, April 4, I began to wonder what, if any, kind of training and education a judge receives before he begins his tenure. I am referring to a domestic violence case from September, 2017.

It is shameful that the judge in this case (Edward McLoughlin) with his level of education and work experience, was so ignorant regarding domestic abuse. Hypothetically speaking, if a daughter of his had been a victim of domestic abuse, I’m sure he would have become very informed on the topic of DV. He would have learned that the most dangerous time for a woman living in a DV situation, is right before she leaves her abuser. Thus, a woman just can’t just up and leave whenever she wants to.

His finding that Nikki Addimando did not meet the requirements of a reduced sentence, is pathetic and laughable. But, Addimando was not laughing.

Those who are in power, police, judges, and politicians, to name a few, must be educated and exposed to the true root of why women stay with their abuser, When the abuser and the victim end up in a courtroom, it is even more imperative that those who are making life altering decisions, be thoroughly appraised of the multiple causes for a woman to stay with her abuser.

Until the denial, naivete and apathy ends, which afflict many court cases involving DV, relief and healing for the victims of DV will be little if any at all.

Laura J. Kisatsky


Sharon Housing Trust goals

Thank you for your coverage last week of the efforts of the Town of Sharon and the Sharon Housing Trust to agree a plan for the renovation of the Town’s moribund community center building on North Main Street into affordable housing units. Thank you also for your correction that the three buildings next to the community center, 91, 93 and 95 North Main Street, which already contain affordable housing units, belong to the Sharon Housing Trust and not the Town.

It is the goal of the Sharon Housing Trust to, with the cooperation and approval of the Town, rehabilitate all four structures into a moderate income, 10-unit housing campus of which the Town can be proud. The Sharon Housing Trust is a private nonprofit organization that has only recently begun its latest wave of activity and fundraising. We expect that Town residents and your readership will hear much more from us in the future!

Richard Baumann


Sharon Housing Trust

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Breece Meadow

Jeb Breece

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