In appreciation: Ron Jones

Having succeeded Ron Jones on one NGO board, nominated him for a second, and served with him on a third for more than a decade, I can say that when the other trustees of these organizations got to know Ron as a new board member, they understood that their organization’s troubles were over, because Ron would handle them.  He was the best fireman those boards ever had.  

I was dazzled by his ability to use his ready smile, keen intellect, and persistent courtesy for trouble-shooting, particularly in the years that he and Ed Kirby and I and a few others were trying to put together the Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area. Let me state unequivocally what we all knew, that the UHVNHA would not have happened without Ron. It took more than a decade to win full approval from the National Parks Service as a heritage area, and the designation was only obtained because whenever Ron learned of a possible local detractor or a governmental roadblock, he would zero in on the problem and not let go until it had been solved.  

Tom Shachtman


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