Turning Back the Pages

100 years ago – June 1924

With a good deal of satisfaction the editor of the Journal announces the installation of a new Model 14 Linotype. This mechanical marvel is specially equipped with a complement of type faces which enables us to serve efficiently the large number of persons who look to our publication for enlightenment and entertainment, and who patronizes our job-printing department. Our new Linotype enables us to set by machine virtually all forms of composition that previously necessitated tedious work by hand. Our plant is now capable of turning out composition consisting of correct type faces in many different sizes, and the change from one size to another is made by a “twist of the wrist.”

Monday morning, at Salisbury, before Justice Tuttle, James Thomson of Sheffield pleaded guilty to violation of the rules of the road, charged with operating a motor vehicle in the traveled portion of the highway without reducing speed as the law requires, or seasonably turning to the right on meeting another car. He took off a hub-cap from the other car. Also in court, on Monday afternoon, Eleanor Douglas, the baby, age three years, the last of the Douglas children to be cared for, was placed in charge of Mrs. Curtis, of Lime Rock road. Eleanor’s mother, charged with bigamy, was in default of a $4,000 bond and was committed to Litchfield jail to await trial.

(Adv.) SITUATION WANTED – Stenographer and office assistant, high school graduate, 2 yrs. experience, full time or by hour, has typewriter. Frederica Bain, Millerton, N.Y.

It is reported that a large sized wild cat has been seen several times in the vicinity of Davis Ore Bed, but as yet no one has been near enough to get a shot at it.

Mrs. D.L. Shaw has sold the Interlaken Inn property to Mr. John C. Percy, who it is understood will make extensive improvements. The Inn will probably be opened later in the season.

One day recently Frank Sherman of Ore Hill caught a pickerel at Long Pond which measured 31 ½ inches in length and weighed 4 pounds and 4 ounces.

A couple of young men who were traveling by auto to Williamstown, Mass., to attend the graduation exercises, crashed into a large tree on Saturday afternoon, near Mrs. Washburn’s residence. The young men escaped injury but the car was badly damaged. The accident was caused by the fact that the driver was attempting to clear the windshield of rain without stopping.

50 years ago – June 1974

Think the paper shortage, like the gasoline shortage, is over? Guess again! This week’s issues of The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News come to you by the skin of somebody’s teeth. At noon Wednesday we were absolutely out of newsprint. A truckload of 20 tons ordered May 7 and promised for delivery under our contract the first week of June did not arrive. Inquiry to the paper company disclosed that by then the mills were running three weeks behind, but no one had bothered to notify us. The paper then was promised for Monday of this week. It failed to arrive. Frantic telephoning brought us the assurance that the paper would be shipped without fail Tuesday and would be on hand by 7 a.m. Wednesday. That promise, too, evaporated. Finally, after we had made arrangements to borrow enough rolls for this week from The New Milford Times, the driver of the truck carrying our promised shipment telephoned from Syracuse, N.Y. He would be here by 1 p.m., he said. To avoid the necessity of reducing all our pages in size, we decided to take another chance and wait. He actually arrived by 3, and we were able to countermand the truck we had sent to New Milford. There’s nothing like living dangerously!

The parade to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Falls Village Fire Department will be made more colorful by the participation of over 20 visiting fire companies and a 50-member junior drum corps from the Nip Muck Tribe of the International Order of Red Men. The young corpsmen will all be dressed in full Indian regalia. The color guard for the band carries the national flag, its own banner and the flags of all the New England states.

Ward Whitbeck of Salisbury this week completed 20 years of work throughout Litchfield, Dutchess, Berkshire and Columbia counties as the area Duraclean rug and upholstery cleaner. He has served about 20,000 customers through the years, and said this week he sees no end to his work in sight. Whitbeck was born in Collinsville and has been in this part of Connecticut all his life. Before joining Duraclean he spent seven years with the Fuller Brush Company in Hartford.

25 years ago – June 1999

SHARON – A suspicious fire Friday afternoon rapidly burned an East Street barn to the ground, downing power lines and sparking two grass fires. The barn was being converted into a dwelling by Peter Elliott, who lived there. The cause of the fire has not been determined.

Kevin Bousquet, general manager of The Interlaken Inn Resort & Conference Center, has become an equity partner in the historic property. He shares ownership with Reisman Property Interests of Rochelle Park, N.J. which owns and operates five hotels in the northeast and has owned and managed the Interlaken Inn since the early 1980s. Mr. Bousquet has managed the operations of the Interlaken for 15 years.

CANAAN – Attorney Catherine G. Roraback, a prominent advocate in the legal profession for individual and civil rights, received the Connecticut Bar Association’s prestigious Charles J. Parker Legal Services Award at the CBA’s annual meeting. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Ms. Roraback received her bachelor’s degree from Mount Holyoke College and her law degree from Yale University School of Law.

WEST CORNWALL – Katherine Segalla, a member of the Housatonic Valley FFA chapter, was named the Dairy Production - Entrepreneurship State FFA Proficiency Award winner and received a $100 check at the state FFA convention held June 5 at Wamogo Regional High School in Litchfield. Ms. Segalla now advances to a competition in August to become one of four national finalists in this proficiency area.

Items were taken from The Lakeville Journal archives at Salisbury’s Scoville Memorial Library, keeping the original wording intact as possible.

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The top two teams in the Berkshire League matched up when HVRHS hosted Thomaston High School Oct. 17 .

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Finding my footing: adventures in a new home
Scenes from a day of exploration and hydration in the Northwest Corner.
Alec Linden

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