Nature-inspired exhibit opens in Sharon

"Pearl" from the "Elements" series.


Nature-inspired exhibit opens in Sharon

The Sharon Town Hall is currently displaying an art exhibit by Pamela Peeters entitled “No Fear of Flying” until September 3, 2024. The exhibit opened on June 3 to celebrate World Environment Day.

The show displays work by Peeters, Allan Blagden, Zelena Blagden and Jean Saliter. Pamela Peeters has had a decades-long career as an environmental economist, sustainability strategist and ECO consultant, appearing on television and radio, sponsoring and leading environmental education programs globally and is recognized for her various artistic endeavors.

The current exhibit in Sharon Town Hall, featuring photographs by Peeters as the main attraction, contains several works from her “Elements’’ series, a set of 31 cards that feature photographs, meditative words and questions to reflect on that are meant to be viewed one at a time over the course of a month.

In an interview, Peeters said that a main theme of the exhibit was communication, not just with each other, but with the Earth.

“We have connecting points. We are the same,” Peeters said. “The energizing effect that the elements of nature can have on us are profound when one knows how to connect!” Peeters stated in a press release.

This is Peeters’s third exhibit in Town Hall, and she considers it a love letter to life and to the planet.

When asked if she had a specific piece that she felt particularly strongly about, Peeters said she has a deep appreciation for “Core”, a part of the “Elements” series and the last card in the work’s sequence. “Core” is a photograph of a lotus flower, something Peeters said holds plenty of symbolism for beauty, new beginnings and potential.

“It will take some time to listen to its wisdom and you can start with small steps, but once you get the affirmations that you are on the path of manifestation, you will understand that to be one with your core is to come home,” the card says.

Peeters also brought attention to the card “Pearl”, which features a detailed photograph of a water droplet. This card focuses on turning something negative into something positive, reminding how it is only through irritation that a pearl is made. “Elements” can be purchased as a set at

Peeters plans to hold a workshop this summer to go with the art exhibit. The idea only came when the artwork began hanging in Town Hall, so there are no definitive dates for it yet. Peeters is excited to work with the community and see the shape that the workshop will take.

When asked for any final remarks to share, Peeters replied, “When people will visit the gallery at the Sharon Town Hall next, they will discover how each of the artist’s unique relationship with nature inspired them to create their works. Perhaps that could be a bridge for their own “No Fear of Flying” relationship with the “Elements” that surround them! A journey worthwhile exploring.”

“No Fear of Flying” will remain on display during Town Hall hours until September 3, 2024.

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