Harneys receive Estabrook Community Leadership Award

Brian Ross, board member of The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News presents Elyse Harney and the Harney family with the inaugural Estabrook Community Leadership Award Oct. 6. For more photos, turn to page B5.

Anne Day

Harneys receive Estabrook Community Leadership Award

SALISBURY — The inaugural Estabrook Community Leadership Award was presented to the Harney family by The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News on Oct. 6.

The Harneys earned the award for their tireless commitment to improving and serving the community. The award, named for the longstanding Lakeville Journal owners Robert and Mary Lou Estabrook, was created to recognize individuals who embody the community spirit and leadership in the same way the Estabrooks did.

“We are thrilled to present this award for the first time to the Harney family. A family that has given so much to our local community,” said James Clark, CEO and Publisher, at the Jubilee Luncheon.

Board member, Brian Ross, presented the honor to the family and Elyse Harney addressed the crowd of more than 200 people at the Town Grove lawn overlooking Lake Wononscopomuc.

Harney spoke of the dedicated volunteers and organizations that keep the community alive such as the Jane Lloyd Fund, the Housatonic Youth Service Bureau, Salisbury Winter Sports Association and local emergency responders. John Harney Sr. was a founding member of the Salisbury Volunteer Ambulance Service, which today is one of the few all-volunteer corps left in the state.

Harney urged the audience, “From the bottom of my heart I would ask you to join this wonderful family of volunteers that made this community such a blessed oasis in this very turbulent world. Keep Salisbury a strong, caring community.”

Applause carried over the lake as leaves rustled and cascaded through the air. Guests then enjoyed Harney Tea and a buffet lunch on the Grove lawn as the Salisbury Band Senior Quickstep Hot Shots played.

Adding to the festive occasion, Sharon Playhouse’s Youthstage put on a charming rendition of “Consider Yourself” from the show “Oliver” with customized lines referencing the Harneys.

“Nobody tries to be lah-de-dah or uppity. There’s a cup of ‘Harney Tea’ for all.”

Anne Day

the Sharon Playhouse Youthstage actors perform a charming rendition of "Consider Yourself" from the show "Oliver" during The Lakeville Journal and Millerton News Jubilee Country Luncheon, Oct. 6.

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