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Classifieds 1/16/25
Jan 15, 2025
Help Wanted
Part-time Bookkeeper: needed in Sharon. 407-620-7777.
Carpenter’s Helper: needed for local renovation/new construction business specializing in all phases of construction. Full-time. Pay to commensurate with experience. Must be dependable with reliable transportation. Good references a must. Call 860-309-5290.
Services Offered
Carpenter and tile setter: now offering handyman services. Over 35 years experience. 413-229-0260 or email at
Lamp repair and rewiring: Serving the Northwest Corner. 413-717-2494.
Hector Pacay Service: House Remodeling, Landscaping, Lawn mowing, Garden mulch, Painting, Gutters, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Chipping, Tree work, Brush removal, Fence, Patio, Carpenter/decks, Masonry. Spring and Fall Cleanup. Commercial & Residential. Fully insured. 845-636-3212.
ML Landscape & Construction: Offers new construction and renovations as well as hardscapes, lawn and patio services throughout northwest Connecticut and The Berkshires. Located locally In Salisbury. 413-717-2054 (Michael).
Antiques, Collectibles
MID CENTURY FURNITURE WANTED:1950’s-1970’s designer modern furniture and lighting. Danish, French, Italian and American design. Eames, Knoll, Herman Miller, Nakashima, Wegner, Noguchi Etc. Buying Vintage Porsche cars any condition. Open Air Modern 718.383.6465
Real Estate
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Equal Housing Opportunity. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1966 revised March 12, 1989 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference,: limitation, or discrimination based on race, color religion, sex, handicap or familial status or national origin or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. All residential property advertised in the State of Connecticut General Statutes 46a-64c which prohibit the making, printing or publishing or causing to be made, printed or published any notice, statement or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, age, lawful source of income, familial status, physical or mental disability or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
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Following a unanimous Board of Education vote Jan. 6, Region One students in grades K-8 must store their cellphones in a designated area for the duration of the instructional school day. For high schoolers, cellphone use is authorized at select times of day.
Photo by Simon Markow
FALLS VILLAGE — The Region One Board of Education, voting unanimously, adopted a cellphone policy at its regular monthly meeting Monday, Jan 6.
The introductory paragraphs of the approved policy read:
“There is a growing body of evidence that suggests student access to cellular telephones and other electronic communication devices may be detrimental to student emotional well being, social development, and academic growth. Therefore, the use of electronic communication devices and other such technology at school (in any school-based environment) is considered a privilege, not a right.
“Students may possess cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices on school property and school-sponsored transportation, provided students adhere to the restrictions contained within this policy. Any unauthorized use of cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices during the instructional school day or at such times as not authorized by the school principal or designee is prohibited, as it disrupts the instructional program or distracts from the educational environment.”
Students in grades K-8 may have phones and devices, but they must be turned off and stored in a designated area during the instructional school day.
High school students must also keep their phones and devices off and stored in designated holders in each classroom. “High school principals may modify the instructional school day to establish other authorized times of use in addition to when students are waiting for the beginning of the instructional school day or waiting for a school bus at the end of the instructional school day, including the designation of areas of the school campus for such use.”
The rules are clear about privacy concerns. Under “Unauthorized Use of Devices,” the policy forbids “Violation of a student’s or other person’s reasonable expectation of privacy by using such devices with photographic capabilities in student locker rooms, restrooms, any other student changing areas, or the classroom, whether such use occurs during the instructional school day or on school property. Cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices may not be utilized to take unauthorized ‘photographs’ or ‘videos’ while on school property, while on school-sponsored transportation or while a student is engaged in school-sponsored activities. Use in a manner that is profane, indecent, obscene, threatening, discriminatory, bullying or harassing language, pictures or gestures.”
There are exceptions. “There is educational value in utilizing cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices in the classroom when such devices deliver content, and extend, enhance, and/or reinforce a student’s learning process..The appropriateness of in-class use of these devices consistent with the instructional objectives within instructional time will be determined by the classroom teacher with the approval of the building principal or designee.”
And “Exceptions to the restrictions in this policy, in part or in its entirety, may be made for health, safety and emergency reasons by the principal and/or designee.”
Devices may be confiscated for violations. “Unauthorized use of these devices is grounds for confiscation by school officials, including classroom teachers. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action and/or behavioral intervention support(s).”
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FALLS VILLAGE — Region One Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley announced on Wednesday, Jan. 8, that Region One had experienced a data breach in December 2024.
PowerSchool, a California- based company, holds data from more than 60 million students in North America, according to its website. Its cloud-based system suffered the breach when an unauthorized party gained access to private information.
Brady-Shanley released additional details on Jan. 9, in the form of an emailed letter to all Region One families:
“PowerSchool, our Student Information System provider, has reported that their platform experienced a cybersecurity breach starting on December 22, 2024. According to their officials, an unauthorized party accessed certain PowerSchool SIS customer data using a compromised credential. PowerSchool has assured us that the breach is contained, and there is no ongoing malicious activity.”
“To address the breach, PowerSchool collaborated with a cybersecurity firm to communicate with the threat actor and obtained video evidence confirming the destruction of the compromised files. According to PowerSchool, to the best of their knowledge, the data was not shared or duplicated. As a precaution, they have implemented enhanced security protocols to prevent future incidents.”
In a phone interview Saturday, Jan. 11, the superintendent said the data was “demographic” information such as addresses and phone numbers of students, families and Region One staff.
She reiterated that “to the best of our knowledge” the data has been destroyed.
Asked if Region One will be getting a bill for the cybersecurity firm hired by PowerSchool to deal with the breach, she said no.
She said the breach was part of a much larger international operation.
At the local level, Region One has upgraded its administrative security procedures, she added.
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