Letters to the Editor - 6-13-24

Father’s Day tribute to ‘my Papa’

In honor of Father’s Day this coming Sunday, I’d like to tell you a little about my Papa. Some of you may have noticed him around town, in his signature pink trousers and red convertible with matching hat. Others may have seen him playing cards with me at local restaurants and wearing festive hats at Christmas time. He waves and say hello to passers by and always has a smile on his face. During Covid he amused many with his funny face masks. Did you see him?

Your parents may remember him from Stagecoach Hill Inn in Sheffield, which he started in the 50’s and ran with my mother until the 70’s. If you frequent the Town Grove, then it is likely your children know him as ‘the toy fairy’, leaving goodies for the kids to play with and take home. He has been active in the community volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and The Democratic committee. He supports local causes and rarely misses a Noble Horizons fundraiser.

He loves trivia, traveling and his family, but dislikes a certain orange man. In fact, he has been known to rant about him here in The Lakeville Journal. He attends his weekly luncheons with the R.O.M.E.O.S. and brings specialty pizza toppings to share with everyone. He has lived around the world, tells great stories and has a terrific sense of humor.

Whether you know my Papa or not, if you see him around, say hi. He is an amazing man and I am so lucky to call him my Daddy. Happy Father’s Day to everyone. Please tell your Dad how much you love and appreciate him!

Sharon Kahler


Jahana Hayes – Israel and antisemitism

A recent letter in The Lakeville Journal defends Congresswoman Jahana Hayes on issues of Israel and antisemitism. It states that Israel is acting contrary to Jewish values and interests. Absurd. Israel was brutally attacked on October 7, when Hamas invaded Israel and slaughtered young Israelis at a music festival, murdered and raped civilians and burned babies in front of their parents. 1200 murdered and 250 hostages. This act of barbarity started a terrible war between Israel and Hamas. Jewish values do not call for suicide. The Jewish people are not required to quietly die because of the horrible consequences of war – a war that Israel did not want nor start. A recent Harvard-Harris poll confirms that 80% of American voters support Israel’s war against Hamas.

Because terrorists in Gaza hide behind civilians, and in tunnels under residences, mosques, schools and hospitals, Israeli military actions inadvertently result in civilian casualties - as it does in all wars - in spite of the IDF’s extreme measures to avoid them. These measures, according to US military officials, go beyond the requirements of the International Law of War and beyond measures taken by the US military. All civilian deaths are tragic, but clear-thinking Americans know the difference between deliberate slaughter and inadvertent casualties of war.

And clear-thinking Americans also know that none of these inadvertent casualties would have happened had Hamas not barbarically broken the ceasefire on October 7.

But Jahana Hayes did not join other congressmen calling for the defunding of UNWRA, whose ‘teachers’ participated in slaughtering Israelis, whose buildings shelter terrorists and weapons, and whose textbooks teach hate to the next generation of Palestinians. She did not join 50 other congressmen - mostly Democrats - in a letter to Anthony Blinken last year to force the Palestinian Authority to stop its $300 million “Pay for Slay” program, rewarding Palestinians convicted of terrorism against Israelis. She did not object to Hamas diverting billions of dollars of donations to build military tunnels, missile launching sites and weapons instead of building homes and infrastructure for Gazan civilians.

But Jahana Hayes wants to stop funding the State of Israel, which is in a defensive war on multiple fronts, threatening its very existence and enduring daily rocket attacks.

Hayes also voted against House Resolution 927 titled “Condemning antisemitism on university campuses and the testimony of University Presidents in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce”. This bill reacts to the explosion of antisemitic activity at American universities and the lack of meaningful response by school administrations. This resolution passed with 84 Democratic Congressmen voting for it. Jahana Hayes is not being attacked, as alleged, because this is standard ‘demagoguery’ of the Republican party. One needs only to look at her record.

The State of Connecticut deserves a congressman who will stand for safety of its students on campus and support its allies. George Logan, the son of proud immigrants from Jamaica and Guatemala, has shown by word and deed that he will support our American values in Congress and not fear the criticisms of extremists.

Alan Friedman


Attacks on Hayes continue to repeat falsehoods

Attacks on Congresswoman Jahana Hayes from George Logan and his Republican backers continue to repeat false allegations of anti-Semitism along with a false tie to ‘the Squad’. In fact, on April 20, Ms. Hayes voted with most other Democrats to pass the National Security Supplemental Legislation, which provided much needed aide to Israel and Ukraine. Most right wing, isolationist Republicans voted against it.

Ms. Hayes also spoke against anti-Semitism in universities and elsewhere on April 22.

“There is no place for discrimination in education. However, we have seen a rise in antisemitism, particularly on college campuses. This is unacceptable. To combat this alarming trend, I have supported increased funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help protect houses of worship and to ensure Holocaust education is taught in our schools.”

Allegations about the Congresswoman’s attachment to the Squad are disingenuous. The nine “Squad’ members vote with their fellow Democrats often. As a result, some of Ms Hayes’ votes will overlap with theirs. On the other hand, Mr. Logan wishes to join Republican House members whose attempts at most legislation have been derailed by the thirty-nine members of the

Freedom Caucus, people like the egregious Margorie Taylor Greene. In the words of several House Republicans who have left Congress in mid-term, The Republican Party Is dysfunctional, gridlocked and has created an uncivil environment in the House.

What say you to that, Mr. Logan?

Jahana Hayes, however, is a member of the can-do party that passed the fore-mentioned legislation and The Inflation Reduction Act, which modernizes infrastructure, lowers healthcare costs, addresses climate change and creates jobs. And remember, a bi-partisan bill on immigration was voted down by House Republicans.

As to Mr. friedman’s opening accusations about the state of our nation: with the exception of a few cities, crime is actually down, police continue to be backed, and we are still working closely with our allies, including Israel and Ukraine. In contrast,Trump, the presumed Republican candidate, had this to say about Ukraine: “This is genius. Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine…Putin declares it as independent…oh, that’s wonderful…How smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacemaker.”

Again, what say you to that, Mr. Logan?

Barbara Maltby



We know it is close

to something lofty.

Simply getting over being sick

or finding lost property

has in it the leap,

the purge, the quick humility

of witnessing a birth—

how love seeps up

and retakes the earth.

There is a dreamy

wading feeling to your walk

inside the current

of restored riches,

clocks set back,

disasters averted.

—Kay Ryan

From “The Best of It: New and Selected Poems.”
Copyright © 2010 by Kay Ryan.

Reprinted with the permission of Grove Press.

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