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The current conflict in the Mideast that began on Oct. 7, 2023, involving Israel, Hamas, the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Lebanon continues to show up daily on the news front. The war in Ukraine equally puts a prominent news focus on what next month will be a three-year long invasion by Russia. Both stories fight for our attention every day. Now we have a third dominant news story, the inauguration of a new president who is testing the boundaries of the presidency.

Digesting the steady stream of all this news has become a complex process, requiring that we summon and revisit a knowledge of history, that we strive for a fair footing with regard to political viewpoints and try not to rush to judgment, while not forgetting our humanity and what that means. These are not simple times. It’s not easy to settle for an ‘it is what it is’ stance.

In terms of total vote for president across the country, the tally differed by a little more than a percentage point (1.47%). In other words, while half of Americans who voted for change might be applauding the flood of executive orders coming from the White House, the other half expresses dismay.

Just as political polarization remains consistently high in the United States, civility in American society is on the decline. We must remember that we are a community. We should protect that community by acknowledging differences of opinion, recognizing that our worth as a community comes from the respect we grant each other.

This newspaper isn’t covering the war in Ukraine or the Mideast conflict or the White House. It is covering our Northwest Corner communities, and our goal is to report the news of our communities accurately and fairly, and to foster the free flow of information and opinion. And we put a premium on civility for the sake of our own community.

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Barbed wire at Birkenau.
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