‘Paddle’ season in full swing at the Grove

Ann Becket tossing a ball to open a rally of platform tennis at the Town Grove in Lakeville.

Sava Marinkovic

‘Paddle’ season in full swing at the Grove

LAKEVILLE — Serving up good-natured competition, platform tennis has some winter sportspeople changing out their skis for sneakers. The cold-weather variant of tennis — played with paddles on a raised, heated court — has been growing in popularity since public courts were introduced to the Salisbury Town Grove in the late 1990s.

“There is a huge amount of enthusiasm” for the game, said player Amy Lake, evidenced by the fact that teams come out to the courts undaunted by snow or subfreezing temperatures. “It gets people outside during all weather,” said Lake, cheerily relating that deck shoveling and preparation are just “part of the workout.”

Following its conception in 1928, platform tennis was largely confined to country clubs, garnering a reputation for exclusivity. However, public courts have since propagated and become community fixtures. Players, who refer to the sport colloquially as “paddle,” stress the inclusive, social aspect of the game as one of its main draws.

“It’s almost always played as doubles,” said Town Grove organizer Suzanne Quaintance, with fellow player Barbara Bettigole adding that “the small court size encourages friendly exchanges.” Jokes, banter and compliments on an opponent’s plays all build a social fabric that keeps the paddle community tightly knit. “I love to see the other side of the net doing well,” said Bettigole.

Once per month, Town Grove paddle players gather for bonfire socials, rotating between the court and the fireside. For those who wish to further turn up the heat, more competitive round robin tournaments are organized on a regular schedule. Whatever the format of play, “it’s a great way to meet people,” said Quaintance.

For those interested in learning or improving their game, the community hosts professional lessons and clinics in the Fall. But, according to player Angie Engle, “most people just pick it up and learn.” Promising a “good time at all levels of the game,” Lake remarked that players can “continue to grow better at any age.”

The rules of the game closely resemble tennis, and they will be familiar to anyone who has previously picked up a racquet. But paddle player Bill Hayhurst jocularly adds another: “don’t be a jerk — you might not get invited back.”

For more information on platform tennis at the Town Grove, or to fill out an application, visit salisburyct.us/paddle-tennis.

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