Hotchkiss Library reno melds modern needs with classic charm

The exterior of the historic Hotchkiss Library went untouched in the renovations. Builders were careful to maintain the intricate 19th century interior while updating it this summer.

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Hotchkiss Library reno melds modern needs with classic charm

SHARON — The Hotchkiss Library of Sharon will be one of 12 North American libraries to be honored in the September/October 2024 American Libraries issue “2024 Library Design Showcase.”

As the mouthpiece of the American Library Association, the magazine sought in this showcase to celebrate libraries that integrate local history and place along with community access and growth. According to its article on the showcase, the Hotchkiss Library’s “restoration and expansion honor its rich history while bringing it into the 21st century.”

Even with expansion, at 6,600 square feet the Hotchkiss Library is by far the smallest to be honored in the showcase. The next closest in size is 16,218 square feet, while several honorees included in the list exceed 70,000 square feet.

Executive Director Gretchen Hachmeister is proud of her library’s stature next to relative giants. She said its inclusion in the showcase demonstrates the importance of “updating older spaces to meet new needs, but to respect the history of the place.” She sees the diversity of honorees featured in the showcase as emblematic of the “rich variety” of roles libraries play in today’s society.

The renovation, which was overseen by QA+M Architecture and completed in August, 2023 after a two year construction period, created a “very delicate situation,” in Hachmeister’s words, because of the library’s historical significance and the existing building’s many fans. Gifted to the town in 1893 by Maria Bissell Hotchkiss, the library was designed by prominent architect Bruce Price, whose other projects include Québec City’s famed Chateau Frontenac and Tuxedo Park. Hachmeister said that the library contains one of his best preserved interiors because “it is virtually unchanged.” However, there are drawbacks to 19th century architecture: “We were one of the last libraries in the state that was not handicapped accessible,” Hachmeister intoned.

Since construction, new and improved facilities include updated technological resources, new private workspace for staff, two new rooms for patron study and work, a wheelchair lift and two new accessible bathrooms, a new circulation area, and a community room which remains open at night, which Hachmeister has said has been immensely successful as a resource for local nonprofits and other groups in town. “But we did not drastically change anything about the beloved interior,” she was careful to clarify.

The community response has been overwhelmingly positive, she said: “Everyone has really embraced the new, the new that’s joined to the old.” Since reopening on the green last August, the library has issued 125 new library cards. “To a town of 2,700 people, that’s a great deal,” Hachmeister assured.

When asked about future development for the library, Hachmeister said while plans of more expansions remain a staff in-joke given the grueling process of renovation — especially in such a historic building — they certainly plan to diversify and bolster their programming. “It’s just exciting to see what we’ll do next,” Hachmeister said brightly. “Who knows”?

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