Hunt Library hosts ‘Winter Olympics’

The Lightsaber Toss competition was a hit at Hunt.

Patrick L. Sullivan

Hunt Library hosts ‘Winter Olympics’

FALLS VILLAGE — It was a busy week at the David M. Hunt Library.

On Wednesday, Jan. 22, a group of a dozen or so students from the Lee H. Kellogg School converged on the library around noon. The students had a half day at school.

Billed as the “Winter Olympics,” the library’s Brittany Spear-Baron said it was too cold outside for the bulk of the planned events.

So library patrons were greeted with the unfamiliar sight of tape on the floor, indicating directions and boundaries for such events as the Lightsaber Toss.

The children did venture outside with plastic bowls filled with water and assorted objects such as pine boughs, seeds, and a bit of twine.

The idea was to allow the bowls to freeze, thus creating an icy ornament. The twine was to facilitate hanging the ornaments outside, until they eventually melt.

Back inside the group indulged in bowling for water bottles in the stacks, and the Lightsaber Toss.

This is not an easy game. The lightsabers, also known as pool noodles — and sometimes as “javelins” — are light in weight.

Their long noodly shape resists attempts to propel them forward like a spear.

It takes a master hand to get more than a few feet per try.

On Saturday, Jan. 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., there was a reception for the young artists of the Kellogg School.

The show, “Home Sweet Home,” is comprised of cigar box art by Kellogg students. The show will be up through Feb. 7.

The artists, many of whom had other commitments such as basketball, drifted in in ones and twos.

Tracy Atwood was waiting to chat with the artists, having spent some time looking at the works.

He quizzed Dyani Nirschel, grade 4, on her triptych, wondering how she picked the elements in the piece. The answer: “Just random things.”

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