Jack Nugent

Jack Nugent

MILLBROOK — Jack Nugent passed away quietly at the age of 90 at his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on Feb. 9, 2024. If you knew him even a little, you loved him. Intelligent, humorous, compassionate, talented, athletic and (sometimes) cantankerous – how could you not?!

Jack is survived by Maureen (his “Mo”), his wife of 56 ½ years and best friend.

Jack is also survived by his sister Frannie and her daughters and grandchildren, his nephews in New York and North Carolina, additional nieces and nephews in the northeast and especially his seven Texas nieces and nephews, who previously lived near Jack and Mo in the Northeast and were privileged to spend many happy times with Jack. Their 24 Texas grand nieces and nephews also treasured him.

Background: Jack was born and raised in New York City. He grew up ‑mostly- in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York – as one of five children of hardworking parents, John Nugent and Henrietta Johnson Nugent. He remained close to his family into adulthood. After graduating with distinction from Queens College, Jack entered the U.S. Army and did his service in Germany. Always athletic, Jack learned to play soccer in Germany before it became cool in the U.S.

After the army, Jack worked in advertising in Manhattan (think “Mad Men”). With the young crowd of advertising and creative people in New York, Jack met Maureen, who worked with radio stations purchasing ad time. Coincidentally both had grown up around Jackson Heights and both were christened within months of each other at neighboring parishes in Rockaway, New York. Instantly compatible and fun loving with their group, they spent winter weekends skiing in Vermont and continued skiing in winter, including in Switzerland and Colorado. Summers meant tennis, tennis, tennis, where they made some wonderful friends, especially in Florida.

Cool: Jack had a true ear for music. With his guitar and lilting voice, he entertained friends and family. He introduced his nieces and nephews to ballads that they will always associate with love and safe and happy times – the Kingston Trio, the Clancy Brothers, all the Irish classics.

Jack and Mo made a leap early on – left advertising and the city and moved to Millbrook, New York, in the Hudson Valley, where they opened “Jamo’s,” an ice cream parlor, coffee shop and lunch restaurant that became an institution in the village. For seventeen years, Jack was the cook, Mo scooped the ice cream and they made many close friends — some famous, some not, didn’t matter — around town and at the daily coffee klatch at Jamo’s. They happily shared their lives with Maureen’s parents, Molly and Curly, who had also retired to Millbrook after selling their restaurant in Rockaway.

Maureen and Jack sold Jamo’s and started pursuing other interests in the village. Maureen had an antique shop space and Jack pursued small carpentry and painting work and both became avid gardeners. Jack kept up with technology, learned to use a computer and cellphone and was a lifelong learner. There was always a crossword puzzle nearby.

Each winter Maureen and Jack visited Ft. Lauderdale and stayed for a few months at the apartment they had purchased in Coral Ridge Tower over forty years ago. When they decided to move for good to Florida, they purchased a larger apartment in the same building, where they have lived for the past 20 years. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter were spent with their dear friends, John and Maryanne Stevens, whom they met in the elevator with tennis rackets in hand.

A Man for Others: Throughout all, Jack helped people. Jack and Mo were always the cool aunt and uncle, providing a haven, listening ears, good food and sweet visits to their family. In Millbrook, Jack helped with civic matters and elections, worked in literacy programs, supported job training programs and helped elderly friends. In Ft. Lauderdale, for ten years, Jack was a volunteer driver taking people to their treatments and appointments for cancer. For the past several years, Jack was the chief cook and caregiver of Maureen. He successfully kept her healthy and despite his own health challenges, he kept up with Maureen’s medications and appointments. Jack and Mo’s helpers in recent years, especially Yvonne Joseph, took good care of this good man. Jack’s quick mind and good memory stayed with him until the end.

Jack is already – dearly missed. Arrangements are still being finalized. A private burial will be held in Millbrook in the Spring.

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