New art exhibit comes to Hunt
Patrick L. Sullivan

New art exhibit comes to Hunt

At the opening of her art show, “Modes of Travel,” at the David M. Hunt Library, artist Shaari Horowitz was asked, in essence, “What’s new?”

She directed the questioner to a set of four paintings of starling murmurations, the phenomenon in which thousands of the birds swoop around in whirling, changing formations.

Horowitz said she recently had the chance to see the starlings in action from a kayak near Old Lyme.

Having witnessed the phenomenon, “I had to paint it.”

The show also features vintage tins that once held pipe tobacco, lozenges, or other goods repurposed by Horowitz.

Horowitz will run a workshop at the library Saturday, Oct 19, 10 a.m. The show runs through Oct 25.

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