North Canaan selectmen act to fill vacant town clerk’s office

NORTH CANAAN — Noting that Town Clerk Jean Jacquier has been absent for the last month, on March 3 the Board of Selectmen named Paul Mattingly — who serves as executive assistant to the selectmen — assistant town clerk until the next election.

Jacquier claims she is the target of antagonism and harassment at Town Hall, which is taking a toll on her health.

Controversy in the clerk’s office has been ongoing since last year when First Selectman Brian Ohler filed a complaint with the state Attorney General’s office accusing Jacquier of misconduct in carrying out the duties of the office.

Jacquier, who was elected in 2017, and served as assistant town clerk since 1993, denied most of the allegations and has filed suit against the Town of North Canaan to recoup $15,000 in legal fees she’s spent defending herself.

In October 2024, the Attorney General’s office ruled it had found three violations, strongly suggesting some changes be made to Jacquier’s existing practices but declined to take any further action.

Ohler accused her of, among other charges, not securing the vault in her office, improperly posting campaign material, untimely stamping and inappropriate shredding of documents.

Jacquier acknowledged she shouldn’t have put up a candidate’s solicitation in Town Hall.

Although the investigation found “improper security of the vault outside of the Town Clerk’s hours of operation,” Jacquier maintained she’s never left her office unattended, explaining the probate judge’s office also uses that vault and others had access to the office.

She also said Ohler signed off on her request to shred the papers. The Attorney General’s office responded that the shredding had destruction dates and it would take no stand on that issue.

Jeffrey Mirman, the lawyer representing Jacquier, said the response from the Attorney General’s office showed it found no sufficient evidence to hold a trial to see about removing her from office, nor was she asked to be disciplined in any way.

In November, the town filed a motion to strike Jacquier’s suit for legal fee reimbursement, claiming “the Defendant (North Canaan) owes no duty to indemnify and/or reimburse the Plaintiff (Jacquier) pursuant to 7 101a(b).”

On Jan. 28, Hon. Walter Menjivar at Torrington Superior Court granted the town’s motion to strike.

Ohler said after that ruling, Jacquier stopped coming to work. He said she continued to receive her salary, “over $6,000” in her absence.

Assistant Town Clerk Marilisa Camardi has been filling in two days a week — she is limited in the hours she can serve — but was away the past week.

“This proposes significant problems for continuity of services,” said Ohler.

Mattingly was sworn in and began fulfilling the responsibilities of the town clerk’s office on March 4. The appointment was made under Connecticut General Statute 7-20, which enables the Board of Selectmen to install an assistant town clerk. Mattingly and Camardi will work together to fulfill the assistant town clerk’s role, Ohler said.

This week Jacquier, who said she was an avid supporter of Ohler when he ran for office, disputed that she lost the case, saying the settlement request was entered too early. “It’s not like I lost in court. It can be refiled.” She said the judge urged the parties to come to an agreement. She also took exception to the figure Ohler put forth as the salary she received last month, saying it’s much lower.

In February, Jacquier filed a motion to extend her case for legal fee reimbursement. The filing states, “The Plaintiff requires additional time to amend the allegations of the complaint to conform with the Court’s Order.” On March 6, Judge Menjivar granted the extension.

Jacquier, shaken by the circumstances, explained the reason for her absence. She claims the atmosphere at Town Hall is toxic and that she has been unduly harassed by entrenched employees. She said she has been verbally abused for the past year. She added that it has been an honor to serve the people of North Canaan for the past 31 years.

In a letter dated March 3, Ohler wrote to Jacquier following up on an email he sent to her on Feb. 6 asking about her welfare. He said he hasn’t heard from her and asked she contact him. He wrote, “Unless there is a substantial and lawful justification for your ongoing absence and for your refusal and/or failure to perform your office’s statutory duties, please be advised that the town’s Board of Selectmen reserves the right to vote on a motion to suspend your salary until you return to work.”

An executive session of the Board of Selectmen was scheduled for March 11 to discuss Jacquier’s salary.

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North Canaan Town Hall

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