The fragile bonds of family: a review of Betsy Lerner’s 'Shred Sisters'

Betsy Lerner’s 'Shred Sisters' is written with such verve and poetic imagination that it’s hard to fathom how it could be the author’s first novel. Ms. Lerner, 64, has worked for three decades as a literary agent, editor, and non-fiction writer, but at some point during the Covid pandemic — without any forethought — she sat down and typed out the first line of the novel exactly as it now appears in the book, and then completed it without telling anyone what she was up to.

The novel takes place over twenty years — from the 1970s into the ’90s — and is a kind of guide for that era. It reads like a memoir accompanied by some bouncy dialogue, but is actually a work of what’s called autofiction in which Lerner mixes her own experiences — including her own struggle with mental illness — with things she simply makes up. The fictional narrator is Amy Shred, the younger of two sisters in an upper-middle-class, secular Jewish family living in the suburbs of New Haven, Connecticut.

What begins as the older sister Ollie’s impulsiveness, rebelliousness and unpredictable outbursts expands logarithmically in intensity and severity until she reaches her teens and starts disappearing from home for long stretches of time. Soon she falls into that special circle of Hell reserved for the mentally ill — drugs, sleeping on the street, random hookups, sex work, petty thievery and grand larceny. Because her parents can afford it, she spends long periods of time in a private psychiatric hospital, but to no avail.

Ollie’s mental illness leads to multiple chaotic events within the Shred family, all narrated by Amy, who simultaneously loves, loathes, and fears her sister. At times, Amy reveals herself to be almost as self-centered and self-deluded as Ollie. Yet Lerner brings empathy to all her characters’ plights, and never romanticizes or medicalizes Ollie’s life. My only quibble in the author’s otherwise superb wordsmanship is with her overuse of similes. Hers are individually imaginative and powerful, sometimes even brilliant — e.g., “…his arm hooking me like the long cane in a vaudeville act,” or “the magnolias now in full plumage like fat ostriches” — but with so many of them, their impact is weakened.

On Amy’s account, she and Ollie couldn’t be more different. Ollie is the beautiful, charming child who grows into a beautiful adult who uses that beauty and charm to manipulate her parents, strangers, lovers, doctors, the police and even, on occasion, her sister. Amy, on the other hand, is decidedly not beautiful. But her intelligence, passion for science and inner drive to excel propel her forward — to college and then a fellowship in a science lab. It’s then that she meets the first love of her life, who turns out to be almost as messed up and exploitative as her sister. Eventually, Amy pivots away from science — as well as her first love — and lands a job in publishing, while Ollie moves about among various lovers, erratically showing up only when she needs something.

In a virtual talk with the author sponsored by Hotchkiss Library of Sharon, in collaboration with Essex Library Association and Darien Library on Thursday, Jan. 16, Ms. Lerner said, “Shred Sisters is a coming-of-age novel that took me about 45 years to write.” It’s also a compassionate and compelling story about the complex nature of sisterly love in the face of the terrorizing nature of mental illness. At first glance, it might seem its appeal is only to women, but anyone will find it translates into a story about sibling relationships in general, as well as the exhaustion that comes with living in any fragile family.

Laurie Fendrich is an abstract painter, professor emerita at Hofstra University and vice-president of American Abstract Artists. She lives in Lakeville.

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