The Lakeville Journal - January 23, 2025

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Crowd braves falling snow for musical night at Hunt Library

Musical acts included Galactic Overtones.

Patrick L. Sullivan

FALLS VILLAGE — The annual Midwinter’s Night in the Village fundraiser at the David M. Hunt Library started as scheduled at 6 p.m. on a snowy Saturday evening, Feb. 15.

Garth Kobal, acting as master of ceremonies, thanked everyone for coming out in less than ideal weather, and got things started with a selection from Walt Whitman.

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Chocolate Fest brings warmth to Kent’s midwinter

Guests of Chocolate Fest in Kent had a wide variety of sweets to choose from.

Alec Linden

KENT — No golden ticket was needed for the 28th Annual Chocolate Fest at the Kent Center School on Feb. 12, and luckily no attendant, child or adult, was turned into a blueberry.

The sugar was flowing, however, reported Rich Barber, who was doling out sweets for eager guests. “I’m just trying to keep the sugar highs from getting out of control,” he said after placing another cookie on an already ample plate.

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KENT — Civil engineers from Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection joined the Kent Conservation Commission’s Zoom room on Feb. 6 with a key message for those with dams on their property: dam maintenance — and failure — is the owner’s responsibility.

DEEP engineer Lariab Afzaal, who gave a presentation on the organization’s process of dam risk assessment and monitoring, said “it is the dam owner’s responsibility to maintain their dams in a safe condition to prevent the loss of life or damage to property.” She added that dam owners are “financially responsible for damages caused by their dam failing.”

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