Classifieds - 2/6/25

Services Offered

Hector Pacay Service: House Remodeling, Landscaping, Lawn mowing, Garden mulch, Painting, Gutters, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Chipping, Tree work, Brush removal, Fence, Patio, Carpenter/decks, Masonry. Spring and Fall Cleanup. Commercial & Residential. Fully insured. 845-636-3212.

Lamp repair and rewiring: Serving the Northwest Corner. 413-717-2494.

Antiques, Collectibles

MID CENTURY FURNITURE WANTED:1950’s-1970’s designer modern furniture and lighting. Danish, French, Italian and American design. Eames, Knoll, Herman Miller, Nakashima, Wegner, Noguchi Etc. Buying Vintage Porsche cars any condition. Open Air Modern 718.383.6465

Selective consignment now being accepted at Ivy’s Collective: Interested in mid-century and modern furniture. High-end table top items and decor. Lamps & Light fixtures. Original Art. Ivy’s Collective is located at 2 Rt. 7 on boarder of Sharon & Cornwall. Text Ivy at 646-783-9423.

Real Estate

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Equal Housing Opportunity. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1966 revised March 12, 1989 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference,: limitation, or discrimination based on race, color religion, sex, handicap or familial status or national origin or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. All residential property advertised in the State of Connecticut General Statutes 46a-64c which prohibit the making, printing or publishing or causing to be made, printed or published any notice, statement or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, age, lawful source of income, familial status, physical or mental disability or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.

Houses For Rent

LAKEVILLE Charming, light, ground-floor apartment: in Duplex house. 2 bedrooms (1 large, 1 small) 2 full baths, large yard. Walk to town/lake. Excellent for family or at-home business. Children welcome, no pets or smokers. $1150/month plus electric. Security deposit and references required. 518-821-0901.

Houses For Rent

Northern Millerton, Newly Renovated 2 bedroom House: Rural, Quiet, 5 minutes to town, Heat and A/C system, plus alternative heat, laundry, dishwasher, 2 decks, views, snowplowing included, $ 2,625.00 monthly, plus utils. 518-567-8277.

Sharon Rentals: 1b/1b home on a private lake. Avail 4/1/25. Yearly. $2750/Furnished, weekly housekeeping, garbage, water, ground maint. included. utilities addtl. 860-309-4482.

Real Estate For Sale

Adirondack Style Home $875,000: Waterfront property for sale by owner. Financing available. 10 May Knoll, Dover Plains. Call Judy Marshall (845) 905-2935.

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Barbed wire at Birkenau.
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