![Spring Vacation Will Start Soon; Pizza Can Help](https://lakevillejournal.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=48193878&width=980&quality=90)
Photo by Cynthia Hochswender
There is of course no actual reason to make your own pizza, from a culinary point of view. Your average pizza professional will toss a much better pie than anything you can make in an afternoon at home.
There is nonetheless one very compelling reason to try making the food favorite (which some legislators are trying to make the official state food of Connecticut): Making pizza is fun and a great activity to do with children.
Spring vacation is coming soon for students in Region One. That means that children of all ages will be bored and hanging around the house (especially if it’s cold and muddy outside); plus, you will have to feed them.
Pizza is here to help
This is a project that checks a lot of activity boxes:
• It can be enjoyed by all age groups, from teens to toddlers.
• It has several educational components. For instance, all cooking projects teach children to count, to measure and to follow instructions. Ideally, you will model good behavior by getting all the ingredients out ahead of time, pre-measuring them and reading the instructions aloud together.
Another educational component is to talk about pizza’s origins in Italy. This is a moment in cooking history when we talk about cultural appropriation; before you get cooking, do some internet searches for Italian pizza (or watch the excellent television show “Stanley Tucci, Searching for Italy.” In the episode about Naples you can watch a mouthwatering demonstration of how true Italian pizza is made).
• For older children, learning to make a favorite food is a confidence booster. Maybe your teens will even invite friends over for their own pizza party.
• Any project that involves yeast is automatically a lesson in life science. Yeast is alive. It’s fun to watch what it does to flour and water.
• Making pizza falls into the category of “decorative craft projects.” Children above all else love to decorate things, and any child of any age can enjoy arranging cheese, basil, sauce on a crust canvas.
As the parent, your job is to keep your hands off; don’t tell them how to decorate unless they ask for your help. You’ll have enough to do preparing the ingredients and cleaning up; let them create the edible art. This is about doing an intergenerational project that, in the end, will also provide you with lunch or dinner.
Trigger warnings
It’s important to warn your pizza makers that the pretty pizza they put in the oven will be less pretty after it’s been exposed to 450-degree heat for a quarter of an hour. Children who love monster films might be thrilled by this; younger children might be disappointed.
This recipe is adapted from a recipe at www.allrecipes.com by Chef Rider. I made several changes, including leaving out the sugar. Bakers use sugar to be sure their yeast is active (to “proof” it), but if you use an unexpired packet of yeast you shouldn’t have any problems.
I use SAF instant yeast (I buy it at Sharon Farm Market in Sharon, Conn.), which gets mixed right in with the dry ingredients. You can do the same with active dry yeast, in spite of what the package says.
However, if your young chefs will find it exciting, by all means begin by combining one packet of active dry yeast with a teaspoon of white sugar and your warm water. Let the mix stand for 10 minutes until it puffs up. Then mix it with the other ingredients.
This recipe calls for bread flour, but I made it with all purpose flour because I think that’s what most people have at home. If you have bread flour and want to use it, go ahead; it will improve the texture. But I found the all purpose crust to be crisp and tasty.
You’ll need a strong stand mixer for this; I used my fancy high-power KitchenAid mixer and the dough was so stiff it shut my engine off. If you don’t have a sturdy mixer, you can knead the dough for a few minutes but really don’t worry about it too much. You want it to be smooth but it doesn’t have to be professional quality.
Adapted from www.allrecipes.com
Makes four small pizzas
• .25 ounces of dry yeast (or one packet of active dry yeast — note it is .25 not 25)
• 1 1/4 cup of warm water (heat it to 110 degrees; if you don’t have a thermometer, it should feel warm not hot if you put a drop on the inside of your wrist)
• 2 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
• 2 tablespoons of olive oil
• 1 teaspoon of salt
Toppings can include tomato sauce from a jar, pesto sauce, fresh or shredded mozzarella, good-quality ricotta (drain it over a colander first), olives, mushrooms, fresh basil, peppers, artichoke hearts — you know what you like.
Combine all your ingredients (except the toppings) in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix for about 5 minutes until the dough is smooth. You can knead it instead; don’t worry over it too much, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just smooth.
Let the dough rest for a half hour in a warm spot (80 degrees is ideal but again, don’t worry about it too much). If you have an Instant Pot, wipe the inside of the pot with olive oil on a brush or paper towel, and then put your dough inside. Do not lock the cover on, just put a plate on top of it. Heat your dough on the yogurt setting for 30 minutes.
If your chefs are antsy, you can skip the rest period and go ahead and roll out the dough — but it will be stiff and uncooperative.
Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 450 degrees. After your dough has had its 30-minute rest, it should be puffy and tender. Divide it into four roughly equal pieces with a heavy knife or a pastry cutter. Lightly cover three of the pieces with a damp dishtowel or a sheet of plastic wrap.
Take the fourth piece of dough and roll it gently into a ball, then stretch it and flatten it into a disc. Put it on a sheet of parchment paper and roll it out gently. You probably won’t make a perfect circle; feel free to make shapes (make a rabbit and give it mozzarella whiskers and a fluffy white mozz tail).
Shape the other three balls.
Give each young chef a pizza crust and some ingredients to work with. It’s best if they can decorate their pizza in 15 minutes or less; if it takes longer, the dough can dry out and start to puff up. Make sure they stay on the parchment paper.
If you want to give your pizza a little more flavor, brush it lightly with olive oil and sprinkle on some salt and pepper before you start decorating.
Slide your pizza and parchment paper on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until it looks done. Don’t let anyone burn their mouth on the hot sauce and cheese. This pizza reheats beautifully (325 degree oven).
Jan. 27 marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. I traveled to Poland as part of a delegation for the commemoration and spent a few days before the event with my father and sister learning, remembering and gathering information.
My dad’s parents, Miriam and Yehuda, of blessed memory, were deported to Auschwitz -Birkenau from the Lódz Ghetto. They both had families that perished and met each other after the camp was liberated.
The gate at Auschwitz. Natalia Zukerman
I put my feet in the train tracks where they would have arrived, ran my hands across the walls of the horrible gas chambers, the broken wood of the crowded bunks, gathered dirt in my shoes where they would have walked, and made sure to touch the trunks of the trees along the path—innocent witnesses.
My father’s parents survived. How did they do it? Miriam was quickly sent to a work camp on the Czech border, and Yehuda played violin in the Auschwitz orchestra (aka the Death Orchestra). Music saved him. A million miracles saved them both.
Many members of our extended family did not survive.
Suitcases taken from prisoners at Auschwitz.Natalia Zukerman
Cuikerman was the original Polish spelling of our name. We poured over page after page of our name in the Book of Names. I can’t explain it, but as I read the names—aloud and quietly—I felt some of their spirits finally release.
Innocent witnesses.
I never wanted to come to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I grew up in the shadow of the Holocaust. It was part of our dark story. From the time I was very little, I saw all the images, watched the movies, read the books. I’ve had nightmares my whole life. I remember the tattoo on my grandmother’s forearm. This was enough.
But until you stand in the field the size of a city and look out at the expanse of crematoria, gas chambers, bunkers, the enormity and scale is just a story, words on a page. Now I have metabolized it in a different way. Now it is part of my DNA on a deeper level. Now I am changed.
A crematorium at Auschwitz.Natalia Zukerman
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, world leaders from fifty countries—including King Charles, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau and so many more— gathered with survivors and their families, musicians, friends and patrons of the organization in an enormous tent at the entrance to Birkenau. A freight train stood in front of the main gate. The car, from Germany, honors the 420,000 Hungarian Jews deported in 1944. Its conservation was funded by Frank Lowy, whose father, Hugo, was killed in the camp.
It radiated with horror in almost theatrical lighting, its now silenced whistle audible in the memories of all who gathered.
I listened to survivor after survivor speak. I watched as each world leader lit candles in remembrance. I said Kaddish (the Jewish prayer for the dead) with the several thousand people present.
But I only heard one person, 99-year-old Polish-born Swedish-Jewish doctor Leon Weintraub, utter any words that made sense to me, to my very fragile and shaken heart. He became a doctor after the war and told the group gathered the one absolute truth: there is only one race—the human race. He talked about the fact that under the skin, we are the same, words that were beyond powerful. In the very place where the most evil “experiments” were conducted to prove the supremacy of the Aryan race, this man stood there in all his beautiful bravery and told the truth. He was able, for a moment, to remove a hierarchy of care and replace it with an expansive, human appeal. He brought the memory of all the people killed, not just the Jews when he said, “be sensitive to all manifestations of intolerance and dislike of those who differ in terms of skin color, religion or sexual orientation.” He widened the conversation, lest we also forget the Romani, queer, disabled, dissidents and more that were also victims of the Nazis. Lest we forget the lesson of Gandhi when he said, “intolerance itself is a form of violence.”
Weintraub ended by saying, “allowing the memory of millions of innocent victims to fade would be equivalent to robbing them of their lives a second time.”
Shoes taken from prisoners.Natalia Zukerman
There are multiple genocides on planet earth right now. There are humans in actual concentration camps as I write this. There are whole populations being murdered.
After this experience, more than ever, I vow to speak the truth as loudly and as often as I can.
Speaking up, questioning and protesting is not only not antisemitism, it defines the core principles of what it means to be Jewish.
A beautiful Jewish human named Albert Einstein said, “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
This must and will be my task. Nothing else makes any sense.
Prisoners slept four to a bunk at Birkenau.Natalia Zukerman
Dina La Fonte
The “sober curious” movement has gained momentum in recent years, encouraging individuals to explore life without alcohol—whether for health reasons, personal growth, or simple curiosity. Dina La Fonte, a certified recovery coach, is the Senior Business Affairs Associate at Mountainside, an alcohol and drug addiction treatment center with a holistic approach to wellness that has several locations, including the one in Canaan, Connecticut. With nearly five years of sobriety, La Fonte blends professional expertise with lived experience, making her a powerful advocate for recovery.
Like many, La Fonte’s path to recovery was not just about removing alcohol; it was about rediscovering herself. “Once you get sober from a substance, whether it’s alcohol, drugs, gambling or what have you, emotional aspects of change come into place,” she explained. “It’s not a hard stop; it’s a continued process of integration and struggle.” Her own journey has led her to a career in recovery coaching, allowing her to help others find their own path.
“What I love about my work at Mountainside is that it allows me to be who I am without forcing me into a mold,” she said. “In recovery, we identify our authentic voice, establish boundaries, and clarify what we truly want.”
La Fonte explained that the rise of the “sober curious” movement may reflect a cultural shift in how we approach alcohol and self-care. La Fonte attributes this change to open conversations that break down stigma. “Even five or six years ago, admitting you had a problem came with embarrassment,” she said. “Now, the more we discuss it, the more people realize they’re not alone.” This newfound openness has perhaps made it easier for some individuals to explore sobriety and even do so without the pressure of a lifelong commitment.
Beyond emotional well-being, La Fonte also noted the physical benefits of sobriety. “It wasn’t immediate, but after a year, I noticed my skin clearing up, my energy improving, and my confidence growing,” she recalled. “Casual drinking dehydrates the skin, affects sleep, and contributes to inflammation. When people realize how much better they feel without alcohol, they want to hold onto that.”
In her role at Mountainside, La Fonte has expanded beyond coaching to influence organization-wide initiatives. “I still work directly with clients, but now I also help evolve how we support them,” she said. “Mountainside takes a holistic approach—integrating yoga, grief therapy, sound baths, and more. It’s not about pushing people through a system; it’s about meeting them where they are.”
La Fonte uses her social media platform as a “micro-influencer” to promote sober living and wellness. “I focus on positivity in sobriety—whether it’s skincare, self-care, or mental health. I test vegan and cruelty-free products, but I only promote what aligns with my values.”
For those exploring sobriety, La Fonte’s message is simple: “I’m not here to judge. I’m here to help.” She encourages open conversations and meeting people where they are. “If you’re curious about sobriety, let’s talk. I don’t need to know you to be proud of you. I don’t need to know you to love you. I already love you.Just reaching out is a huge step.”
With voices like La Fonte’s leading the conversation, perhaps the sober curious movement is more than a trend—it’s a cultural shift redefining what it means to live fully and authentically.
To contact Dina La Fonte, email her at dina.lafonte@mountainside.com, explore the Mountainside website at mountainside.com, or follow La Fonte on Instagram @dinalafonte
James Shay signed copies of his book “Mohawk Mountain Skl Area: The Birth of Snowmaking” after a talk at Hotchkiss Library of Sharon Feb. 2.
The Hotchkiss Library of Sharon hosted local author James Shay Feb. 2 for a talk on his new book “Mohawk Mountain Ski Area: The Birth of Snowmaking.”
The book follows the life of Mohawk founder Walt Schoenknecht and his important contributions to the sport of skiing.
The evening presentation was delivered to an engaged audience of skiing fans in the library’s main room. Shay began his talk with a few photographs of views from the top of Mohawk Mountain, showing distant mountain ranges, uniquely eroded rock faces and structures that still stand from the times of the revolutionary war.
Shay showed pamphlets, posters and original hand drawn maps and designs from when Mohawk first opened in 1947.
Shay spoke about the life of Walt Shoenknecht, the main subject of his book. Shoenknecht founded the Mohawk ski trails in 1947, leasing the land in 1946 and spending $45,000 on the construction of the ski area.
In Mohawk’s second season, Mohawk did not get any snow and resorted to ordering several tons of ice blocks, crushing them and spreading them on the slopes. This process was time consuming, costly and overall a worse experience than real snow. From this season, Shoenknecht got the idea to look into snowmaking.Shoenknecht enlisted the help of the TEY Manufacturing company, run by Wayne Pierce, Dave Richey and Art Hunt. The three engineers used the research of Ray Ringer to build the first snow making machines. These machines were brought to Mohawk and are the first documented case of a trial run of the snow making machine.
TEY ended up filing the first patent for these devices, and snow machines were installed on the mountain. The machines continued to develop and evolve up through the 1980’s and today there are one hundred modern snow machines on the slopes of Mohawk.
Shoenknecht was inducted into the skiing hall of fame in 1979 for his many contributions to the sport introduced in his ski areas on Mohawk and Mount Snow in Vermont. Today, Shoenkneckt’s daughter Carol Lugar remains the president of Mohawk as one of the few remaining family-owned ski areas in the United States.