Making marbled paper at Scoville

Chistina DiMarco prepares the paint for marbling at Scoville Memorial Library, July 28.

Patrick L. Sullivan

Making marbled paper at Scoville

Open an old book and chances are the endpapers will consist of a colorful, swirling design.

Artist Christina Di Marco came to the Scoville Memorial Library Sunday morning, July 28, to lead a class in the basics of paper marbling.

In fact, Di Marco came to the Button Garden outside the library, as paper marbling can get messy.

Some 11 participants helped set up the equipment and supplies, which were considerable.

While working, Di Marco explained the background of the different materials and techniques.

It got very technical, with terms such as “Irish seaweed extract” and “alum” being tossed around.

When everything was ready, Di Marco flicked and spattered small amounts of stone ground watercolor paint into a thin layer of water in a tray.

Then, using a variety of implements, she manipulated the blobs of color into swirling patterns.

The art of paper marbling involves technical terms like “Irish seaweed extract” and “alum.” But mostly it’s a fun, colorful activity.Patrick L. Sullivan

Di Marco then took a piece of paper pretreated with alum, which functions in roughly the same manner as “fixer” in a photographic darkroom, and carefully placed it in the tray.

She waited a couple of beats, and then just as carefully removed it.

The audience was suitably impressed.

The marbled paper was then rinsed off with tap water and hung on a rack to dry.

Di Marco did a second example, and the group then settled in to create their own.

Patrick L. Sullivan

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