Caps fly at 2024 Cornwall Consolidated School commencement

Eighth graders celebrate their achievement with a ceremonial cap toss at the field behind Cornwall Consolidated School. The students spoke highly of their time at CCS and expressed optimism for the future.

Simon Markow

Caps fly at 2024 Cornwall Consolidated School commencement

CORNWALL — A touching ceremony at Cornwall Consolidated School Thursday, June 13, marked the end of middle school for 15 eighth graders.

Family and friends gathered beneath the tent on CCS’s baseball field in the early evening. Led by the seventh-grade class marshals, the departing eighth graders marched down to the field.

Technical difficulty prevented a recording of the National Anthem from playing, but the crowd quickly filled in with an A capella rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Principal Leanna McGuire spoke in gratitude of the eighth-grade class for helping through her first year at CCS.

“I ask myself all the time, ‘How did I get this lucky?’ And it’s really thanks to you all, you are my role models and leaders and you have set a high standard for our younger students,” said McGuire.

Students summarized their time at CCS with fond memories and expressed excitement for what is to come in high school.

Elise Lagle, who started at CCS in Kindergarten then moved to Hawaii before returning to Cornwall, said she is glad her journey came “full circle.”

“CCS has taught and given me more opportunities than anywhere else has,” she said. “The memories I made here are far too memorable to ever forget.”

“CCS is a great place to do the things you love, so let’s keep it that way for more people to come,” said Winter Cheney.

Each student received their diploma and moved their tassel from left to right. They were led by the class marshals out of the tent for the concluding cap toss.

Pizza from Pizzeria Marzano’s food truck was served as guests and grads celebrated the joyous occasion.

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