Tree clearing turns heads on Route 44 as construction continues

Swaths of trees have been cleared from the hillside along Route 44 entering Norfolk.

Thomas K. Carley

Tree clearing turns heads on Route 44 as construction continues

NORFOLK — Five months into Project 97-95, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) construction to replace existing retaining walls and stabilize the slope along the north side of the road for the safety of Route 44 in Norfolk, Connecticut, area residents have new concerns.

Swaths of trees have been cut down along the 1,034-foot stretch of roadway to allow the slope angle to be reduced. Without trees and roots preventing erosion, the specter of mudslides looms in the imagination. DOT engineers intend to leave the root systems in place to give the hillside greater stability.

Amy Hare, DOT chief engineer on Project 97-95 gave a progress update on October 18, 2024: “Tree clearing was completed, and the contractor is now working on relocating the sewer under the supervision of Norfolk Sewer District. We anticipate a larger project update to be provided in a couple weeks.”

The new sewer pipes will be laid down on the south side of Route 44, creating just one available traffic lane against the existing retaining wall as of Nov. 18, according to Norfolk First Selectman Matt Riiska.

Compounding the disruption is the ongoing replacement of River Place Bridge, originally slated to be completed in November of 2022. Now projected to be complete this Spring, the giant crane and steel beams for the structure are sharing the roadway with Project 97-95.

DOT Project 97-95 is scheduled to be completed by October 2028 at an estimated cost of $37 million. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 4 in Thomaston.

According to DOT, “Motorists can expect alternating lanes to be closed on route 44, Monday through Friday [9 a.m. to 3 p.m.]. Traffic control signing patterns and flaggers will guide motorists through the work site. Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions, particularly with trenching operations. Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed, be hands-free with cell phones, to ignore phone notifications/car center console screens when driving in the work zone.”

Another concern raised at a well-attended community information session held on May 16 at The Hub in Norfolk, was access for emergency vehicles, especially when it snows.

DOT sent eight engineers and designers to answer questions and concerns of the public. Ambulances, fire trucks and police cars will have special signals called “preemption signals” to control the temporary traffic lights that will be installed so they can answer emergencies without obstruction. The system, which uses coded infrared strobe lights on the vehicles linked to sensors at the signal, is called Emergency Vehicle Preemption.

Work on Route 44 will be stopped temporarily during the winter months so the road will have two available lanes.

To report a problem or raise a concern call: 860-594-2560 or contact:

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